As the manufactured products’ range grows and the market expands, we have learned to satisfy the most varied transportation and assembling demands. Today, we are capable to deliver GMP Design products all over the national territory, and upon request, to provide the services necessary for export (insurance, packaging, customs formalities).
Due to more and more often requests for assembling of displays and promotional materials over the standard working schedule, we have organized assembling services in three shifts, providing these services 24/7. Furthermore, for major campaigns or events, we are able to provide synchronized assembling in multiple locations dispersed on the entire territory of UK. Upon request, we may provide storage of materials involved in campaigns or promotions during the period between two events.
In order to offer full services, we have developed in time the technology necessary for assembling in the most difficult situations, like: assembling at heights for rooftops, unipolars, meshes, assembling of boards and oversea products, concrete foundation placement, supplying and connecting to the electrical network.
Working against the clock, a method very much practiced in advertising industry, determined us to use express curriers for delivering samples or products in London, in the country, or even abroad.
We adjust our auto fleet in order to satisfy most of the transportations. However, in exceptional cases, we externalize transportations that need special utility vehicles.